Battle Creek, Michigan – June 8, 2022 … The Battle Creek Chorus - Sweet Adelines (BCC) recently had their annual installation of Team Leaders and dinner Wednesday June 1st at Schuler’s Pub in Marshall. The following members assumed office for 2019:
Team Coordinator – Judy Burgess, Bellevue
Certified Harmony 500 Director – Lynne Erskine Peirce, Ann Arbor
Communications Coordinator - Elise Palmer, Battle Creek
PR/Marketing – Jackie Olsen, Plainwell
Education Coordinator - Paula Hoffman, Charlotte
Finance Coordinator – Emma Turton, Kalamazoo
Membership Growth – Julie Zehnder, Kalamazoo
Membership Retention - Karen McCormick, Plainwell
Performance Manager – Jori Reijonen, Richland
Activities Coordinator. - Carla DeLaRosa, Flushing
Competition Coordinator - Val Burton, Battle Creek
Chorus members were also honored by the following awards:
A Booster Awards were also given to Anne Nicholson and A Deep Appreciation Award Lynne Erskine Peirce for their contributions in helping the chorus continually improve, grow and strive to be a championship chorus.
BCC is an award-winning a cappella chorus for women singers, earning many accolades, including 2022 Most Improved Chorus, 2022 and 2019, 3rd Place, 2017 - 18 1st Place Division A and 2016’s 2nd Place Division A. Sweet Adelines International (SAI) Great Lakes Harmony Region 17 contains parts of Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania and has over 800 members in 22 choruses and over 30 registered quartets.